HOPe and JVS Join Forces to Bring Career & Community Access to Boston

Due to health and economic concerns, close to 30% of programs that catalyze the careers and community involvement of people with disabilities in Massachusetts have closed since March 2020. Feeling the effects first-hand, Boston Public Schools approached Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) in November about creating more career and community opportunities for their students as they exit high school.

While JVS is a known leader in workforce development, they recognized that it was not their calling to connect people to the life skills, health & wellness, community service and social opportunities that make a full life. They identified HOPe as one of the most innovative community engagement organizations in Massachusetts, and for this reason reached out.


We’re thrilled to announce that these discussions, and in collaboration with Boston Public Schools and the Department of Developmental Service's Boston Office, led to the development of the Career & Community Access Program (CCAP), designed to connect Boston Public and other Boston area young adults with disabilities to vibrant careers and lives in their local communities.

CCAP will be launching in February using a combination of virtual and onsite programing, much like services are happening at our Easton campus today. We are grateful for the use of JVS's Economic Opportunity Center at 75 Federal Street for onsite programming as CCAP gets started. We look forward to the possibilities that CCAP and working with JVS bring to both Boston and Easton HOPe members in the coming months and beyond!

Interested in learning more? Contact Kirsten Fink at k.fink@houseofpossibilities.org or 508-205-0555 x208.

Katie Terino